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About Us

Welcome to Northeast Elementary School

Welcome to Northeast Elementary where Sandra Martin is the enthusiastic and hands on principal. Northeast is a STEAM school serving grades Y5 - 5th. STEAM is Science and Technology interpreted through Engineering and the Arts, all based on Mathematical elements. Northeast also offers a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for
academics and behavior enabling staff to provide the “just right” level of support for their students. Teachers at Northeast work together in teams reviewing and analyzing student performance, making adjustments to ensure each child’s academic success. Staff at Northeast believe it takes a team to provide the best educational
experience possible and then encourage family and community partnerships. Go Vikings!

“Caring School”

Northeast Elementary is newly renovated
with safe & secure entryways and upgraded to 21st century learning furniture and technology tools. We specialize in the needs of the Y5 - 5th grade students with a dedicated, caring staff that is focused on learning for ALL students. Northeast focuses not only on student achievement, but also on the child’s social and emotional learning. Utilizing the “Caring School” program students at Northeast begin each day with a morning circle where they learn about compassion, empathy, and service to others to name a few. Twice a year students at Northeast perform a community service project. Northeast also uses restorative practices to teach our students how to resolve conflict.

Specialized Education

Northeast specials offerings also make
Northeast unique! We will be offering
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Art, and Math), Physical Education, and
Tech where students learn about digital
responsibility and collaboration through
technology. These specials are designed to
prepare our students for 21st century skills and jobs!

Communication is Key

All of the teachers are very open to
communicating with each and every
family. Teachers utilize the Blackboard
Connect System as well as the JPS app.
These communication outlets utilize text,
phone, email and social media. They
welcome parent meetings and often schedule
parent classroom visits.


STEAM provides an avenue for
formally teaching the inter-relationships of how subjects relate in real-life. STEAM-style education can be enjoyably and meaningfully delivered in more engaging and deeply embedding ways within the already well-established realm of education.

Northeast Map